It’s report card day, and that tells us all sorts of things about how my younger brothers and sisters are doing. Justin needs to tweak his academic strategy. He’s been staying up all night to do homework.
Which landed him a detention for sleeping in class.
On the same day that he made the honor roll.
Imogen doesn’t want to talk about her grades, even to me.
But she’s been trying to get extra credit by staying after school to do service projects. I wish her luck.
I’m just grateful that I’m free of the entire educational system. It’s always been a way to force creative minds into tight little uninteresting boxes. My mind is free.
Speaking of free minds, I thought I’d make another attempt to take that intriguing genie Jiao out to dinner.
This time, she agreed to meet me at The Blue Lagoon, and she even arrived there before me.
“Franklin!” she said when she saw me. “Have you ever been to this place. I was hoping it would be more green.”
“I don’t know. I was kind of expecting it to be blue,” I admitted.
“It’s not that either,” Jiao pointed out. “Very disappointing.”
“Does this mean you’re going to leave again?” I asked.
Jiao shrugged. “No,” she assured me. “I’m not bored yet.”
“Then why don’t we go inside and see if we can keep you entertained,” I suggested.
I grabbed a blood box and sat down at a table near the bar. I’d sort of expected Jiao to join me, but she was caught up in making fun of the bartender.
“Get a load of that guy!” she said. “I wanted more green, but I didn’t expect to see it on his skin!”
“You realize that I have green skin,” I pointed out. “He and I could be related.”
“Oh, that’s not the same thing,” Jiao said. “It looks good on you. Did I mention this drink is terrible?”
“Why don’t you let me buy you a drink instead?” I suggested with a suave smile, if I do say so myself. “I have it on good authority that these are very good.”
“Oh, you know, these are better!” Jiao said with delighted surprise. “I guess the bartender really can do something right.”
“Do you know that guy from somewhere else?” I asked.
“No, she said. I just know his type.”
“What type is that?” I asked, fascinated.
“Bartender,” she said.
“Tell me about your life as a genie!” I said. “I’m absolutely fascinated by the life of other supernatural beings. I did mention that I’m a supernatural being, didn’t I? I’m a creature of the night.”
“You wouldn’t believe the kinds of things people ask for!” Jiao said. “The perfect ballgown! A handsome prince! Why not just ask for infinite wealth and buy yourself an infinite supply of professional companions? I’m glad I’m free now. Mortals don’t make any sense.”
“I have to agree with that,” I said. “We supernaturals really are superior.”
I took the candid moment to really absorb the aura and vibrations around her.
I have to admit that the pub’s ambiance didn’t put her in the best light.
Meanwhile, Mom decided to perform a piano concerto at the theater. I’m not entirely sure how that happened. She can barely play the piano.
Apparently the theater billed it as a new experimental post-tonal composition, and the audience loved it.
I’m sorry I missed it. I enjoy experimental post-tonal music.
She came home to celebrate, and instead she saw Imogen’s report card.
Mom believes no child of hers is too old to go stand in the corner.
After our drinks, Jiao and I took in a keyboard concert. This one was much more tonal.
As soon as the keyboardist finished. Jiao sprang up with that enticing genie glow. “Thanks for the free drinks, Franklin. Call me if you want to pay for my food again!”
And then she was gone.
I just new I had to see her again.
Well, I get to count up something good for a change!
Kids on honor roll: 3 + 1 = 4
I had the hardest time writing this one for some reason.
Well at least Franklin is learning the way to Jiao’s heart. Free drinks! But not piano music apparently. Ah…Well keep trying Franklin! You may net a mate yet!
This is the most work one of my heirs has put into a mate! Ha!
I failed to call out the dig Franklin made about maybe being related to the bartender. I’m pretty sure one of the genetic donors used to generate that sim is his Aunt Deanne.