Christof was the man of the house these days. Well, the only man in the house anyway. I think sometimes it made him a little lonely.
The kitties tried to make sure he felt appreciated. They’re so empathic sometimes.
He was also working harder in school.
Hetal was trying out new recipes. She called this one “Stu Surprise.” We knew better than to ask what the surprise was.
Our kitties continued to be sweet together.
Deanne was really into playing in the snow. She came up with some…. interesting…. snow sculptures.
Erin decided to make friends with an honors student in hopes of improving her grades. She decided to take the easy way and used a potion someone sent us in the mail.
This girl, Meredith immediately really liked her.
But it turned out that they didn’t have a lot to talk about.
Oh, and here’s William Pierce’s son Larry, who is kind of a creeper.
And it had an unexpected effect.
Huh. Too bad it washes out. I could get used to this.
I figured out what to do with all those stones I collected that turned to not be rainbow gems. This could be come quite a side business.
And then it was time for another party! Erin was growing up, plus we had Hetal’s election to celebrate.
My littlest girl turned out lovely, don’t you think?
Hetal was so happy to see Erin grow up. I’ve never seen her so content.
Right after we finished our cake, a limousine pulled up in front of the house. It turns out Christof had rented it. It was time for prom!
As always, a lot happened at prom 😀 I always get the same notifications, which gets boring after a while. Nice to see this doesn't happen in every game 😉
Thumbs up for Hetal's finished LTW 😀
Hee. I think the prom events are based on traits. The first couple of proms I did had so much romance in them. Most recently, all the kids get into fights and are humiliated. But I still love prom.
Poor kids! It didn't sound like they had the best prom … although, they must be popular enough to be awarded King and Queen?
When will Erin be taking over the reins? She's very pretty btw 🙂
The kids did kind of have a lousy prom. I find it very annoying that the active sims always get king/queen.
I am VERY happy with Erin. I think she gets even prettier as an adult.
You're right. It would make far more sense if prom titles were awarded depending on a variation of factors related to traits, skills and number of friends. There should be other titles like class clown, class president, class rebel etc!
Lol, Erin wins prom queen when she’s never been to high school. Sim Logic. She turned out really pretty though, Hetal’s nose suits her!
Glad you made it to the new site! Hope it worked all right for you.
I didn’t even think about the fact that Erin won prom queen without attending high school. I should totally have called that out.
Yeah, the new site works perfectly, and I love the background! Also like the light writing on dark background, makes such a change from so many other blogs.