0 comments on “1.38 Hooky in Reverse

  1. Oh, so you're quite a bit ahead of your story right now – in that case, hurry! 😛

    I have never experienced a snow day in my game, and it was fun to watch! I'm glad everybody had a great time in the snow.

    And Allison is actually adorable as an elder!

  2. How do I keep missing these updates?! Not all of them appear in my blog roll 🙁

    Alison is still as awesome as an elder as she was as an adult … I bet she can still kick Jules' ass any day! Although it can't be very safe fighting fire in your swimwear? Hetal and she are so cute together 🙂

  3. Heh. From maximum confusion, I'm answering comments in reverse order :-p.

    Sorry You're not getting the updates! I also have a Google+ page where I post all my sims blog stuff. Apparently I can get a dedicated URL for that.

    I'm so glad you're reading, though. And I hope the laughs help.

  4. I love watching the kids do autonomous entertaining things in the snow. Deanne's alien snowman made me laugh.

    Never had a snow day? I've heard most people complain that they get them so often it's hard to get good grades. This was my first one, I think, though. I don't think the Sample kids got one for winter.

    I do think Allison is cute. I'm going to miss her when she's gone.

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