#sims3challenge #sims3legacy #sims3story #thesims3
I really just don’t get my sister.
She could at least get her husband to quit harassing me.
Here’s a picture of our sweet kitten Minnie. Not the best picture, but there will be more later.
I hated to break it to him that he wouldn’t even be handing in that homework because he was about to go to high school. He would have done better if he’d done his homework earlier.
He always seemed to be working at it, but he only managed a C+
Gideon didn’t even bother to pretend he cared about school. He went out to play in the sandbox. In the snow.
Helen showed some initiative and went to work on a report on the grocery store for school.
Which was good because she was failing.
Our next-door neighbor was having a party that involved a lot of people standing around in the snow and staring at the walls.
I shooed them away. It was time to party Wonderland style!
William got one last cuddle from his only remaining toddler.
Once she became a child, he’d spend a lot more time yelling at her. At least, that was how it went with the rest of his kids.
The party got into full swing, including a big fight between my sisters.
We were afraid they were going to slap each other. Franklin cleverly created a distraction by blowing out his candles.
Branden wasn’t too impressed by the festivities.
His fiancée, Shaun Ivy, was even worse. She pulled a book off the bookshelf and started reading in the middle of Franklin’s big moment.
Wow! I’m impressed, if I do say so myself!
Then we all settled in to have cake. Including the party crashers.
William and my niece Rosie got along pretty well.
Branden just wandered around looking disgusted.
What? Sure, the chairs are cat-scratched and the floor is covered with murky water from a leaking dishwasher, but this is family! Show a little appreciation.
He got out as fast as he could.
Gideon and I took our cake outside where we could complain about our family in peace.
“Hey, have you seen Helen?” I asked.
“I don’t think she came home,” Gideon said.
Wow. She must be working hard on her report for school.
She missed her brother and sister’s birthday parties. I hope she writes a great report.

In his own bed even.
Franklin stayed up to critique William’s sketches.
He wasn’t too impressed.
He’s the handyman I hired to fix the infernal dishwasher.
I’ll just settle in here to fix the broken sink. Then I’ll go upstairs to fix the broken shower.
This is my first post from new gameplay!
I think I’m in love with Franklin! How did that happen?? He was a pretty boring kid. His new trait is Excitable, making him Green Thumb, Avant Garde, Excitable, and of course Insane.
He has a lovely mix of his parents’ genetics. It looks like Imogen does too. Even on a child face, I can see the the amazing Anjali nose combined with William’s cheekbones. Gideon and Helen both look questionable, but I don’t have the amazing clone-sense that some do. I’ll have to see what they look like as teens. Gideon’s birthday is up shortly.
Aaaannnd, because some things are even too bizarre to fit into a Wonderlands post, I close with the results of trying to reroll Minnie’s genetics:
The 2 bottom pictures are fantastic.
The floating eyeballs above the head really floored me.
The lesson here is not to use cheats to reroll the genetics of a kitten. It doesn't work. I have no idea how it produces THAT, but it doesn't work.
Yeow! What is with that kitty monster. I'm going to have nightmares now!!
I like Franklin's looks. Like you said, he seems to be a good mix of his parents genetics. In an ISBI, the personality is just as important as looks, so I'm intrigued as to what the other kids are going to grow into. You don't really get a sense of who they are until they reach their teen years though 🙂
Isn't that cat fail amazing! I didn't know even Sims could produce something so messed up.
I agree that you don't really get to know sims until they're teens. It's kind of frustrating. Generations added a bunch of interesting child-specific interactions, but the vast majority of activities are still restricted to teen and above. Even with three traits, I find that child sims usually don't express themselves with much individuality. They have to be teens to become their own people. Makes it difficult for the youngest children to get a full shot as heir.
Yikes, the cat pictures are really creepy Oo before, I was just going to say that the kids grew up really well, and that I was looking forward to seeing more of Franklin. 😉
I’m favouring Imogen for heir, as much as Franklin is interesting, I hate the green-brown hair. Actually got a mod to stop that hair from randomly showing up in my game. We’ll see what Gideon and Helen look like as teens.
I find my child idiots do have quite unique personalities, not sure why yours all seem to do the same thing. For example, the one who Loved the Outdoors spent her entire childhood in the sandbox, while the Grumpy one pulled pranks and the Good one cleaned up. Maybe it’s that they’re all insane, that would definitely hinder things.
I think some traits lead to really distinctive autonomous behavior and some don’t. I don’t think any of the kids in this generation have been terribly distinctive.
Also, I am about to give up on my apartment rule. I’ve found that the idiots notice the items in the common areas are less likely to lure out the idiots. I have all sorts of items in the yard that they never use. I think that pic is the only time the sandbox was ever used.