4 comments on “2.36 Can’t Hide from Family

  1. Wow, such a long and convoluted case! I haven’t seen that one in my PI play throughs, and after reading about all the issues, I’m kind of glad I haven’t. Yay for Erin almost topping her career, though.

    • I’m enjoying the PI career, but it hasn’t aged well. In fact, I don’t think any of the Ambitions careers have aged terribly well. They all have glitches from all the expansions and patches that came afterward.

      Thank you so much for reading!

  2. Those “secret” actions crack me up every time…although this is less obvious than the one time Erin stood outside in the snow, “hiding” in bushes, I still find it hard to believe that anyone would NOT see her there. xD But that is just one of the silly features I love about the Sims. ^^

  3. Pingback: 2.39 Last Hurrah | We're All Mad Here

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