Jin’s phone rang at stupid o’clock in the morning. It was her ex-boyfriend Ayden Van Gould, begging her to take him back.
She dropped everything to go out to see him.
He wanted to meet behind the theater where nobody could see them. Apparently, he’d just dumped some psycho named Echo Weaver, and she was stalking him. He didn’t want her to be able to find them.
He told Jin that he missed her smile every morning.
And that she was the world to him. Or at least some world with pink swirls on it. She wasn’t impressed.
But then he got on to the naughty talk, and Jin appreciated that more. I guess the old flame was still burning after all.
Meanwhile, without Jin around, who do you think was stuck doing all the child care?
Here’s another view. Definitely no table.
I tried to get ready for work, and I had to sit in the bathroom. Branden came in to tell me that the toilet was busted.
Then he sat down to have some breakfast.
That’s right. Well all hung out and had breakfast in a broken, smelly bathroom because there was NOPLACE ELSE TO SIT.
There has to be more to life than this.
“You know,” Hetal said, “After that kind of crummy morning, I just don’t feel like going to work.” So she didn’t.
And Branden didn’t go to school either. I really wanted to yell at him, but then he did the dishes. He was sacrificing his educational future to clean up this pit of a house. He’s such a good boy.
Then he sat down and did his homework, which he couldn’t possibly have collected because he didn’t go to school.
I have such a magical, witchy son.
I decided to stay home too, since everyone else was doing it. Instead, I went outside to play with the kitties. But I couldn’t find them!
Wait, what’s that?
It’s Peanut!
Meanwhile, Hetal was getting overwhelmed trying to deal with Christof and Caitlin. And who was this chick in the room anyway? Why doesn’t she give a kid a bottle?
Those kids pretty much never stopped screaming. It made me crazy!
The whole neighborhood probably could hear them.
OK, the kid is clothed and fed. I don’t want to hear about it, OK?
At last Jin got back from her hot date and started setting things in order.
Clearly we are totally lost without her.
While Jin was doing some cleaning downstairs, we finally got both of the toddlers contained. I suggested Hetal might like to go on a horsey ride.
If you know what I mean.
Ride’m cowgirl.
Then work called after all, and I had to dash in to do some repairs on the fire engine! I can’t even take a mental health day in peace! A hero’s work is never done.
And while I was there, the emergency alarm went off! So I had to jump into the half-repaired clunky fire engine to save the day.
It was a family freaking out because…. their gnomes were swearing at them??
You have GOT to be kidding me. I got out of bed for this?
Fortunately, it was an easy job.
And VERY satisfying, since I got a bonus for the job AND a promotion with another bonus! Man, we could really use that money.
And it was quitting time, so I sneaked in to play with their toys.
While I was gone, Hetal broke the other toilet.
And she promised to tell Branden a bedtime story. But then she forgot where the bedtime books were.
Plus, she wasn’t feeling very well.
Branden didn’t want to go to bed without his story, so he came downstairs for a drink.
But then he was too tired to really drink it, so he left it on the floor.
Then he walked all the way out into the living room, past his bed, so that he could pass out on the floor. That’s where I found him.
While I was getting everyone to bed, Jin picked up Branden’s discarded juice box.
And sat down to finish it off at the new table I was able to buy with my bonus money.
When I came upstairs, Hetal was in the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror.
“Come to bed, baby!” I told her. “We both know you’re hot.”
“Actually,” Hetal said. “I think I’m pregnant. And do you know you stink?”
ANOTHER BABY? How are we going to manage?
Cheshire has the right idea. I need to start playing with my kids and not stress out so much.
Passing out: 0 + 2 = 2
The fails is just fast and furious now, and with another kid coming I can only imagine it will get worse.
I have no memory of what happened to the table. Two options: 1, I removed a lot of custom content that had accidentally made it into my game, and it’s possible the table was just deleted. The game is SUPPOSED to replace it with something else, but perhaps that’s only if the family can pay the difference in price or something. 2, I sold it to pay the bills and then forgot about it. I intentionally made it a little harder for the Wonderlands to get ahead financially, but I don’t think I realized just HOW hard it would be for them anyway with only one person under my control.
The house is totally out of control at this point. Hetal isn’t going to work and has gotten a warning that she might be fired from her job. Branden spent all night wandering from person to person, asking for a bedtime story and then having the action cancelled before it could complete.
I think the apartment is getting glitchy. It’s getting harder and harder for Allison and Hetal to actually get to their beds to sleep.
I’m creating a new rule while I test out bedtime story mods — if any child has a successful bedtime story interaction fail out twice, I’m sending him to bed manually. The Read to Sleep action keeps canceling out of Branden or his victim’s queue, and he just wanders around asking for that story until he passes out.
With the fourth kid on the way, I am getting really concerned about losing the whole generation to the Social Worker.
At least it’s funny as heck, which is the point.
Wow! They really need Jin around! This is way more out of control than my ISBI… I got really lucky on the spouse in that. It's quite fun to see, though!
I love that they had to eat in the bathroom.
Poor passed out kids, though. It's so sad when no one will put them to bed!
I can't wait to see how Hetal deals with another kid. Not the most maternal, that one.
Also, Peanut continues to be the most adorable kitten ever. Even when it's just the ears up.
Lol. Angry gnomes.
The apartment does look a tad messy. I'm fuzzy on the ISBI rules. Can you hire a maid/buy a bonehilda closet or something or do you just have to hope and pray that you breed a child with the Neat trait?
Also, that picture of Peanut in the Snow was the cutest thing I've seen all day, I think.
Ahahaha, horse riding… 😀 😀 😀 sorry. Inappropriate laugh. 😀
The picture of Peanut's ears in all the snow was just soo hilarious! I always wonder how tiny pets or toddlers manage to walk through all the snow…
And yay for another baby! Although it's going to be really hard for them dealing with another little sim demanding their attention. Especially when Jin is out more.
ISBI rules are totally fuzzy because the official rule set is for Sims 2, and there is no accepted official conversion to Sims 3. I think hiring a maid is out. However, Bonehilda is up for debate, and I think I'm going to rule YES on Bonehilda. The Wonderlands are having a hard enough time.
However, money has been REALLY tight. Allison is pulling the only steady paycheck, and it turns out that firefighting just doesn't pull in the cash that other professions do, even where Allison is at about level 7. So I'm not sure when they'll be able to afford one.
The idiots actually don't seem to do too badly. Jin does child care, Hetal cooks, and now Branden is doing dishes quite a bit. But Cheshire vomited on the floor like a sim-week ago, and nobody has cleaned that up. Then Allison cleaned out the cat litter and got distracted by a screaming kid while trying to take out the trash, so she dumped the trash on the floor, and THAT has been there for days.
Also the cheap appliances are all breaking. Allison has a high Handiness because it's a job skill, and at one point she upgraded a lot of appliances to be self-cleaning because I drastically underestimated how often they might break. I'm going to have to try to find some time for her to change the upgrades to unbreakable.
I do really like Peanut.
Go ahead and have an inappropriate laugh. It was an inappropriate joke. But what was I SUPPOSED to do with that scene? Ha!
Kid four is going to be born with 4 days left on the twins' toddlerhood. I'm a bit nervous about how that will go. We'll see.
Wow it looks like the family was in a state of crazy, I feel so sorry for you! The cats are just too cute!!! Allison with the gnome was so funny!! Great chapter! 😀
This stresses me out just watching it! I can't imagine how hard it is to actually play this family! And another baby on the way ….
Poor little Branden. All he wants is a bedtime story 🙁
You're right, technically there was no chance for me to get out of this without laughing. I probably would have deleted that scene, due to lack of creativity. You're definitely one step ahead of me 😀 *starts to giggle again*
Inappropriate laughs are the best. Plus, that was darn funny!
The household is in total chaos, AND the house is getting glitchy. I think we're going to have to move, which is really disappointing because I got the house the way I want it, and I think it's pretty fun to play in.
It gets kind of stressful to PLAY, but it's hilarious to write about. So far an ISBI is just nonstop absurdity.
The bedtime story thing really is insane. As far as I can tell, a child WILL NOT go to bed without a bedtime story. If the request fails or gets interrupted, the child just picks something else to do that has nothing to do with his bottomed-out fatigue bar, then tries again, until he passes out.
I have installed TwoftMama's Less Read to Sleep to see if this will make things more sane. Also, I forgot that I've given myself a blanket rule to fix glitches. Like I can see no reason why Hetal failed to give Branden a bedtime story, so I should probably have just told her to do it again. I think that bed is getting glitchy for some reason.
I hadn't thought about that one paycheck part. Ouch. That must make it really tough. Doesn't Hetal have a job in Politics? Shouldn't she be getting maternity leave money or something?
Disappearing table? Win! It wasn't the repo man, was it? *random me fact- in the 2+ years I've had the sims I've never had a repo man or social worker come to my sims home. Control Freak ™* 😀 Oh well, at least it let them bond in the dirty bathroom. (when I read that back to myself it sounds wrong!sowrong! for some reason?)
Peanut in the snow is so CUTE!
This is the ISBI good stuff at its best, crying kids, peeing, random passing out, dates in weird places. I love it!
I've never done the swearing gnomes for the fireman, does she grab them, fight them, do they just disappear? *is curious*
This is hilarious. I've been shrieking with laughter as I read this thing. I'm amazed 'you' are sane though forget about the sims! There is no way I'd try to control that many Sims/Pets. I beg your pardon – NOT control them. Talk about glutton for punishment…
Wow! I'm so glad you like it! It's actually turned out to be a ton of fun. I'm usually laughing while I play.
Now that I no longer have three toddlers at the same time, I'm no longer afraid of losing the family to the social worker. Sims do a lot of things on autonomy you wouldn't think to tell them to do. 🙂
I have been reading trying to catch up so I haven't stopped to comment yet. (plus its a pain on blogger for some reason) but it looks, from the pile where the table used to be, like your cats may have scratched your table to death. 😉
I am really enjoying this. Off to go keep reading.
Ha! Maybe you're right!
I'm so glad you're enjoying it. This has been so much fun to play and write :).
I love it when things get crazy; your idiots are definitely dumber than my ones, but that makes it fun! The Good witches should help with the cleaning, they often clean up after themselves. But I agree that a new house is definitely in order, no way can those two tiny rooms be big enough for four kids and 3 adults!
Haha. My first-generation idiots were REALLY idiotic. So many fails. They got smarter in Gen 2, but I'll be working off the Gen 1 fails for a long time.
I did a lot of work optimizing my game. I suspect that the fail-density of Gen 1 was lag-related.
I love this family so very much. <3 Their dysfunction seems so normal to me, ha ha ha. The Zales are so far removed from worrying about money, and I haven't had a toddler in game in months, since I took the long break, I've nearly forgotten how annoying they can be.
I'm loving the blog and the story, it's very clever! Your use of speech bubbles and so forth is so funny, and never feels forced! And the kittens are just to die for.
Thank you so much!
In my plotty legacy, I spend a lot of time thinking about character growth and motivations. In this challenge, I just assemble the pictures and then write whatever comes into my head. It’s so liberating :).