7 comments on “1.33 Spook You

  1. The highlights in this chapter: flying food and awesome costumes 😀 I'm glad the fridge is starting to get along better with everybody! (Did I just really write that?)

  2. Everyone had such great costumes, but looks like Strawberry didn't like Erin's I loved her face though! That made me laugh 🙂 A fire at a party? XD Ha Christof clearly needs some more time invested in cooking! But it was so funny! Allison finally got to show her skills guess it pays to have a fire woman in the house. Great chapter nothing says awesome like three murdering chainsaw costumes! 😀 😀

  3. Ha ha! I almost wish Strawberry had been the heir. It seems like she's the one who does all the photo-worthy stuff. I haven't had a reason to take a pic of Peanut doing anything interesting in ages.

    This was a hilarious chapter to play, even with the crash.

  4. Poor fridge … at least it has someone being nice to it. It is so much a member of the family, it really needs a name. It feels wrong calling fridge 'it'. I bet fridge was scared of the fire, afterall, it was its friend Cooker that got hurt by it. That is one of the strangest sentences I've ever written!

    As for the IF, I'm not bored by them yet, but its annoying when your toddlers are left alone and all they do is play with the damn things! Are you planning on bringing it to life?

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