4 comments on “1.34 Reaching the Top

  1. I'm still fascinated about how unique your sims are. All of them really have their own personality (even though they share some favourites, like talking to inanimate objects) and would make a great heir. I'm going over to vote in a minute, but wanted to tell you beforehand that I think you did a really great job building those characters.

    Other than that: yay for working bedtime story! 😀

  2. Thank you! That's a high compliment!!

    As I look over the poll, I'm happy to realize that I'd be content with anyone winning except Deanne, just because she's a clone and I'm trying to have interesting genetics. Nobody has voted for her, and I think I'm going to take her out of the poll. But I'm really happy with all the Wonderland kids. I've never had so many children in a household, ISBI or not. It's been an adventure, and I'm really going to miss them. I hope Story Progression is kind to the spares.

  3. Hopefully, now that Allison is working from home, it'll be easier for her to respond and deal with emergencies. Has she had any earthquakes yet? I've heard that you have to rescue a lot of people with those. I've never actually played with a fire fighter sim for that long though, so I'm not sure.

    Branden is such a sweetie, but I'm surprised that he and his brother are eligible. Didn't you say that the heir will be breeding with your Spike sim?

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